



Professional staff accompanists and piano students are available for masterclass performances, 周三中午的独奏会, 程度上演出, juries, 还有声乐和合唱指挥课. 在每学期开始的时候, you should discuss with your studio professor your accompanist needs for the entire semester. Your studio professor will take care of making arrangements for an accompanist.


Will the accompanist already have all the necessary music?

No. 乐谱必须交给钢琴家 不迟于四周 演出前.



The university pays for a limited number of rehearsal hours for each kind of performance, as follows:

学位独奏会…………………………….. 10 hours
排演= 4小时
彩排= 2小时
朗诵= 4小时

性能实习.................. 2小时
排练= 1小时
实习= 1小时

星期三中午的独奏会............ 3-5小时
排演= 3小时(但声乐家需1小时*)
朗诵= 2小时

特邀大师班,特别之夜. 5-7 hours
排演= 3小时(但声乐家需1小时*)
朗诵= 4小时

Juries…………………………………………. 1-6 hours
vln/vla/大提琴排演= 5小时
《十大博彩推荐排名》排练= 3小时
木管乐器/铜管乐器排练= 3小时
Jury = 1 hour

*歌手被骗了吗? No! Unlike all other students, vocalists have weekly lessons with their accompanists.



No. 请参阅上述部分的可用时间. Students must pay accompanists privately for any time beyond the maximum number of rehearsal hours shown above.


May I use an accompanist for extra-curricular events such as competitions, 非学位的演出, 或者校外独奏会?

你可以私下安排,但是 你必须付钱给伴奏者和你一起工作. The University will not pay for accompanists for these events or for rehearsals for such events. Be professional, and make all financial arrangements clear from the start. It is always a good idea to make a simple written contract with your accompanist stating hourly rate and number of hours planned. 当涉及到钱的时候,不要做任何假设.


Are there guidelines concerning cancellations and lateness?

Yes. If a student needs to cancel an appointment with the pianist, or if the pianist must cancel an appointment with the student, 他或她至少必须付出 twenty hours notice. Furthermore, if one of you is late, he or she cannot expect the other to wait beyond 12分钟.




在每学期的前几周, the Accompanist Coordinator and the Cali School Secretary will estimate the number of billable hours that you will be paid. This estimate is based on weekly studio work plus the anticipated hours for recitals, rehearsals, etc. 每个学期快结束的时候, it is your responsibility to make the small corrections to the original estimate. Every accompanist is requested to keep a personal notebook to maintain accurate records of weekly hours of work. BTW, 和精神病学的世界没什么不同, 卡利学校的“一小时”是一小时50分钟, 然后是10分钟的休息.


When students want extra rehearsals beyond the allotted hours (see above), 他们必须直接付给你钱. Be professional, and make all financial arrangements clear from the start. It is always a good idea to make a simple written contract with the student stating hourly rate and number of hours planned. 当涉及到钱的时候,不要做任何假设.

Are recitals considered as billable hours, just like rehearsals?

Yes. 详情见上页. For any hours beyond these 10 hours, the student must pay you.

Scheduling Rehearsals (Especially for pianists who play for Masterclasses)

你可以把登记表放在 分部公告栏 (eg., String board, Woodwind Board) with times that you are available to rehearse with students. Please announce in Masterclass about these sign-up sheets and your availability. 如果你愿意,你可以把一小时分成半小时.


紧急情况下, 如果你需要一个代课老师, please contact one of the other accompanists on the official list to ask if they can help out. The most current list of accompanists and their contact information is always posted on the 伴奏布告栏. Please inform the student and teacher involved about your need to be absent. 如果你找不到潜水艇, tell the student and the studio professor how sorry you are.



  • Professors are encouraged to create a weekly calendar at the beginning of each semester. Professors may write in the names of 2 or 3 students who will play each week. This will be more efficient that having the students themselves signing up. If this cannot be done at the very beginning of the semester, the Professors can fill in the posted calendar in a timely manner as the semester progresses.
  • Once a weekly schedule is posted, every student will know the date of their practicum performance. Then, the student can contact the assigned pianist well in advance and give them a copy of the music. 一旦钢琴家掌握了音乐, the student and pianist can work out the one-hour rehearsal time for the week before the practicum performance.




  • Professors need to assign music as early as possible for the entire semester. 这可能发生在头两周, but possibly take a longer time if the student is new to the Professor.
  • The student and the Professor will discuss when and how often the student will need a pianist. 答案包括
    • 性能实习,
    • 周中音乐会星期三. @ 1:30 -每学期一次;
    • 客座大师班;
    • 性能的夜晚,
    • 陪审团和独奏会.



Professors need to assign music as early as possible for the entire semester.  这可能发生在头两周, but possibly take a longer time if the student is new to the Professor. 本学期晚些时候可能会增加额外的曲目.  Students may bring other repertoire that they are preparing for competitions or auditions and must supply the pianist with music ASAP.

  • 钢琴师每学期将上13节课. Professors will inform studio pianists what time to come to each lesson, but accompanists will still be paid for the 50-minute hour.
    • For freshman and new students, this may be later in the hour- i.e. 10-15 minutes.
    • For recitalists, or near jury time, this will most likely be for the entire hour.
  • Voice Night Recitals – 2 – usually 2 pianists split each of these recitals
  • 周中音乐会星期三. @ 1:30语音朗诵-每学期一次
  • Juries – 3.5到4个全天-所有工作室的钢琴家都会弹这些
  • Recitals – pre arranged – pianists will be the studio accompanist for students with whom they are performing recitals.
  • If the pianist for a Master Class or Midweek Concert is different than the weekly lesson pianist, 学生可以要求额外的排练时间.



  • 措辞类
  • 歌曲保留班
  • 语音教学课程
  • 主持每周的合唱课
  • 为歌手表演
  • 非专业语音班
  • 卡利学校海选日期
  • 客座大师班-每学期一至两次
  • Studio voice classes – 1 per semester per teacher – not more than 2 hours.
  • Opera Workshop rehearsals – classroom accompanying for staging rehearsals
  • If the pianist for a Master Class or Midweek Concert is different than the weekly lesson pianist, 学生可以要求额外的排练时间.

Additional needs for Accompanists may arise throughout the semester, 比如新教授的试镜, 推广音乐会, 在流行病期间为学生录制钢琴音轨, etc.


David Witten和Dmitri Korneev制定的政策

如有疑问,请联系Dr. David Witten wittend@femdomcenter.com