Happy to Hear That


Skylah, a pre-K student at a school run by The Leaguers, Inc. in Roselle, New Jersey, holds a paper cookie to her left ear.

她戴着耳机,耳机连接在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的学生和教授带到学校的便携式听力计上. Upon hearing a beep, the three-year-old gives the cookie to Quinley, the mouse from the children’s book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, as instructed by Gita Balser, a second-year Montclair audiology student.

Nearby, 听力学一年级学生格蕾丝·格莱巴正在让4岁的乔威尔玩一个类似的游戏,同时检查他的听力. “If you hear a beep, throw the bean bag in the bucket, okay?” Gleba instructs him.

Jowel holds the bean bag to his left ear. But after the beep, nothing.

“Did you hear the beep?” He nods.

“Was it this ear or this ear?” Gleba asks, pointing to the red and blue headphones he’s wearing. He points to one ear, then the other. Audiology Clinic Director Faith Mogila steps in to help, challenging the boy to beat her at tossing the bean bag into the bucket. 他们继续和他一起工作,最终确定他能听到,他只是很害羞. Jowel moves on to an otoscopic examination with first-year audiology student Max St. Germain.

Montclair audiology student Nicole Genser administering a hearing test
Nicole Genser asks a child whether he heard a beep in his left ear; he holds an elephant to his ear and tosses it into a basket upon hearing a beep.

In all, on this day, 大约40名罗塞尔儿童将使用听力计和耳镜视觉耳检查来筛查听力. In addition, they will undergo an otoacoustic emissions test, 其中包括在耳朵里放置一个微小的设备,发出声音并记录回声, measuring cochlear function. 它通常用于婴儿和小孩,因为它不需要他们的行为反应.

罗塞尔十大博彩推荐排名大学的四名学生是13名听力学博士生中的一员,他们被派往联盟运营的三个“早期开端”和“开端”项目, the oldest incorporated African American social service agency in New Jersey. The nonprofit organization provides services to 1,700 low-income families in Essex and Union counties. The hearing screenings, 这是与新泽西州卫生部早期听力检测和干预合作的一部分, provide a public service and give audiology students hands-on experience. 该大学传播科学与障碍系的听力学学生也为参加6月中旬新泽西州夏季特奥会的运动员提供了听力检查. 这些只是这些学生和教师在附近社区发挥作用的一些方式.

child wearing headphones holding a plastic elephant to his forehead
纽瓦克的一个孩子在玩听力游戏,他把一只玩具大象放在额头上,每次听到耳机里的声音,他就会移动大象. Giving children interesting games enhances their ability to listen for the tones.

On this day, 放映也在欧文顿和纽瓦克进行,同一天,美泰公司发布了一款带助听器的新芭比娃娃的消息在学生中传开了. 在放映过程中使用的活动是为了使评估更有趣,而不是让孩子们感到害怕. 听力学学生面临的挑战是想出新的适合年龄的活动,这些活动可以用来调节3-5岁的孩子. Gleba’s idea for the mouse-and-cookie activity, 她去了趟她妈妈的地下室,那里还保存着她所有的童年玩具, was approved for use. In fact, it was her stuffed mouse that was used at the Roselle school. At The Leaguers school in Newark, 十大博彩推荐排名大学的五名学生用玩具大象和积木吸引孩子们.

听力学二年级学生肖恩·克莱兹科夫斯基正在对学龄前儿童进行第一次筛查. “对他们的听力进行筛查非常重要,因为他们可能会在课堂上错过学习,甚至不知道,” Kleczkowski says.

Rosie Ovadia with young child
听力学三年级学生罗西·奥瓦迪亚将一个微型装置放入纽瓦克学生的耳朵里进行耳声发射测试, which determines cochlear function.

虽然根据法律要求,儿童在出生时就接受了筛查,但听力问题仍然可能出现. “They could have a late onset [or progressive] hearing loss,” Kleczkowski says. “Incidents of hearing loss can double between birth and age 6, so it’s crucial that we do these screenings.”

Ivonne Jaramillo, a health and nutrition specialist with The Leaguers, 她说,她和其他专家通常在学年开始时去学校做听力和视力检查, as required by the school, but that having an additional follow-up screening is also good. “It’s important because we want early intervention,” Jaramillo says. “Not being able to hear could interfere with school productivity.”

Montclair audiology student Nicole Genser administering a hearing test
纽瓦克的一名学生耐心地等待十大博彩推荐排名听力学专业的学生尼科尔·根瑟进行耳声发射测试, which takes about three minutes.

学前班老师玛丽亚姆·冈萨雷斯(Mariam Gonzales)监督着整个过程,因为她的一些学龄前儿童在接受测试,而另一些则在等待轮到他们. She’s optimistic that they will pass the screening. “I haven’t had any problems with them not hearing me in the classroom,” she says.

Parents, who provided consent for the screenings, will receive letters explaining their children’s results. 任何没有通过筛查的学生都将被转介到他们所在地区的儿科医生和听力学家那里. 所有接受测试的孩子的父母也将收到解释筛查的重要性和正常言语和语言发展迹象的文献.

At The Leaguers’ Early Head Start and Head Start programs in downtown Newark, first-year audiology student Vanessa Coppola says she enjoyed testing the children, “It was a lot of kids and a lot of experience screening children.” Some, she says, will need follow-up testing.

Maryrose McInerney教授和学生Alyssa Bonapace与纽瓦克的一名年轻学生坐在一张桌子旁.
Maryrose McInerney教授协助听力学学生Alyssa Bonapace对纽瓦克的一名年轻学生进行耳声发射测试.

While Balser, 二年级学生辛迪·费尔南德斯和三年级学生罗西·奥瓦迪亚以前曾测试过小孩子, 这些筛查通常是十大博彩推荐排名听力学学生对儿童进行筛查的第一次机会, says Mogila.

十大博彩推荐排名的听力学诊所,学生们主要和坐在隔音隔间里的成年人一起工作. 在纽瓦克学校,“这很有趣,”一年级学生妮可·根瑟(Nicole Genser)说. “我们必须考虑到环境和噪音方面的最佳方式. The kids were great.”

Cindy Fernandez

Professor Joan Besing, 传播科学与疾病系临床研究生项目主任, says going to schools sometimes affords Montclair students new experiences. “There were some students who had tubes in their ears; our students hadn’t seen that before. It provides them with hands-on experience so that they become more comfortable.”

There’s the added bonus of giving back while also learning. 费尔南德斯说:“能够为自己的社区做筛查真的很有意义。. “We’re applying our knowledge for the better good.”

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