

Festive evening thanks 大学 donors for their generous support

发布: 校友, 大学

大四学生阿拉克利·卡布雷霍, junior Ethan Garcia and sophomore 朱莉贝克 served as student speakers to express gratitude to donors

这是一个回馈给予者的夜晚, as more than 180 guests gathered on May 8 for 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s Donor Celebration, 在传播与媒体学院举办. The festive event featured a program in Presentation Hall followed by a reception in the lobby, 以纽约市的天际线为标志.

欢迎客人, Vice 总统 for Development and 校友 Engagement 丽塔·沃尔特斯 shared, “This evening is a wonderful opportunity to recognize the important role philanthropy plays in the growth of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 and in improving the lives of our students and the world around us.”

“It is important for us to come together as a community of donors and celebrate the power of philanthropy,她补充道。.

丽塔·沃尔特斯, vice president for Development and 校友 Engagement welcomes attendees.

Among the invited guests were members of the 总统’s Club, which is the 大学’s leadership annual giving society; the Carpe Diem Society, those who have committed legacy gifts; and members of the 1908 Loyalty Society, 连续捐赠的捐赠者, some of whom have been donating to Montclair every year for more than 30 years. Bloomfield College of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 donors attended as well.

在他的讲话中, Montclair 总统 Jonathan Koppell shared updates on the 大学’s progress, 伙伴关系和目的. “We believe students from all backgrounds are deserving of a high quality, 负担得起的教育,这是十大博彩推荐排名提供的,科佩尔说. “We come together tonight to thank you for your generous support of our mission. 没有你,我们的重要工作就无法完成.”

总统 Koppell urged the audience to join in opposing proposed funding cuts that will negatively impact Bloomfield College of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 and 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 students by visiting fundmontclairandbloomfield.com. The platform provides customizable email language to send to state legislators to show support for equitable higher education funding in New Jersey.

总统 Jonathan Koppell shared updates on the 大学’s progress, 伙伴关系和目的.


校友格雷格·柯林斯, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学基金会主席, expressed his appreciation to donors and introduced the student segment of the program, 其中包括三个学生演讲者的评论. “Your generous support across all areas of the 大学 has directly helped our students,他分享道. “从提供奖学金支持, 实习, 研究的机会, 校园项目等, 你正在发挥作用.”

“I am so grateful that I can attend an institution this precious with this much financial support,伊桑·加西亚说, a junior at Bloomfield College of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 who is double majoring in Creative 艺术 and Technology and 业务 Administration and serves in multiple campus leadership positions.

“I thank you all as donors for your continuous support of Bloomfield and Montclair and for believing in our school’s mission to serve students like me,加西亚说。. “没有你的帮助,我不会有今天的成就.”

Guests filled Presentation Hall in the School of 传播与媒体 for the program.

朱莉贝克, a sophomore Exercise Science major with a concentration in Pre-Professional Studies, shared her gratitude for the opportunity to get so much from her Montclair experience, including being a member of the Montclair women’s soccer team and the Montclair honors program, 总统奖学金获得者, earning dean’s list each semester and serving as as ambassador for The Hidden Opponent, 运动员心理健康俱乐部.

“As donors, you make it possible for students to succeed at Montclair,” said Baker. “在完成我的理学学士学位之后, I hope to continue my education in nursing… I am confident in my abilities that Montclair has taught me and will continue to teach me.”

“Receiving scholarships during my time at Montclair took a weight off my shoulders and allowed me to live on campus,阿拉克利·卡布雷霍说, a senior who majored in Accounting and will be attending graduate school in the fall.

“Being able to live on campus opened other opportunities for me to learn and grow as a leader. I wouldn’t have been able to experience this without scholarship support, so I thank you as generous donors for making opportunities like this possible and enhancing so many students’ lives,卡布雷霍说.

Theatre and Dance students performed selections from the production of 成熟的女士.

展示大学卓越的艺术, Department of Theatre and Dance students performed selections from the production of 成熟的女士. Amidst an array of food stations and the serenade of live music by the student jazz trio, guests mingled and interacted with fellow donors and students.

“Montclair delivers transformational opportunities to students from all backgrounds, and we are grateful for our community of donors for sharing their time, resources and energy to help make this 大学 everything it can be,沃尔特斯说。.

Bloomfield College of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 friends connect.
十大博彩推荐排名州立大学基金会董事会成员Jim Merli说, 梅丽莎·斯卢特和理事肯特·斯卢特很享受这次招待会.

视图 更多活动照片.

Story by Development Communications Director Laura Iandiorio. 摄影:John J. 我是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的LaRosa.


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