
2017环保团队 & 可交付成果

5月31日- 8月9日

Click the company to learn more about them and what their Green Team did this summer!



Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (PSEG) is New Jersey’s oldest and largest investor owned utility. 他们是一家受监管的燃气和电力公用事业公司,服务于2.200万电力客户和1.8 million gas customers, approximately 70 percent of the state’s population. 总部设在纽瓦克, NJ, they have approximately $35 billion in assets and $11 billion in revenues.



PSEG asked their Green Team to develop solutions to improve the collection of Environmental, 社会, 和治理(ESG)内部数据, 并研究改善公司企业社会责任(CSR)举措的外部沟通的新方法. To achieve these goals, the company’s Green Team developed the following deliverables:

  • Created a database using Oracle that allows PSEG to collect and store ESG data in one centralized location.
    • 该团队完成了一项行业重要性评估, 第三方报告评估,并咨询PSEG代表,以确定用于填充该数据库的指标.
  • 制定利益相关者调查,以协助PSEG确定对内部和外部利益相关者都重要的新的ESG问题.
  • 在联合国可持续发展目标(UNSDG)的背景下对PSEG的企业社会责任绩效进行分析, and provided PSEG with options to leverage the UNSDG to improve overall communication of CSR issues.


保德信, PGIM的母公司财富500强公司, 有子公司提供保险吗, investment management and other financial products and services in over 30 other countries. 截至3月31日,保诚金融旗下的全球投资管理公司(PGIM)已成为全球第九大机构资产管理公司,管理的资产规模达1万亿美元, 2016. We will be assisting PGIM Real Estate which manages $65 billion in assets.



PGIM要求他们的绿色团队评估公司的整体企业社会责任(CSR)表现,并提供解决方案,以改善公司对企业社会责任问题的报告. With these objectives in mind, PGIM’s Green Team accomplished the following:

  • 完成16家公司的竞争对手分析, 为PGIM提供详细的SWOT(优势), 弱点, 机会与威胁)分析企业社会责任的整体表现.
  • 提供了一个关于报告全球报告倡议组织(GRI)标准的好处的商业案例分析,并完成了PGIM目前的企业社会责任报告与GRI标准的差距分析.
  • Developed a stakeholder survey to assist PGIM in identifying ESG issues that are material to its stakeholders.


纽瓦克是新泽西州最大的城市,拥有超过27万居民. Newark’s Sustainability Office “supports policies and programs that improve public health and quality of life, 通过更好地管理资源来降低成本, 为新工人扩大绿色就业和商业机会.”



纽瓦克市要求其绿色团队协助该市制定2018年可持续发展行动计划. To assist the city, Newark’s Green Team produced the following deliverables:

  • 管理一项利益相关者参与倡议,为该市在2018年可持续发展报告中应解决的可持续发展倡议提供见解. 具体来说,纽瓦克的绿色团队:
    • Created 93 focus prompts for stakeholders based on initiatives from the city’s 2013 Sustainability Action Plan, and evaluated these prompts based on their importance and feasibility to stakeholders.
    • Clustered data into 12 sections based on stakeholder responses to focus prompts.
    • 确定了纽瓦克市需要立即解决的“容易实现的目标”(高度重要和高度可行性的问题).
  • 在四次纽瓦克可持续发展夏季系列活动中担任志愿者,并为城市提供建议,以进一步增加与城市居民的接触.
  • 制作了一系列关于温室气体的信息图表, 水的使用, 能源 usage and waste disposal to display and additional city events throughout the year.


ADP is global provider of cloud-based Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions. 公司还为客户提供业务外包服务, 分析和遵从性专业知识.



ADP要求其绿色团队识别, 分析并实施ADP可持续发展挑战的解决方案. 为了协助ADP,其绿色团队制作了以下可交付成果:

  • 制作一系列资讯图表,提高员工对电子废物回收及妥善处置的认识.
  • 为公司的月度绿色通讯创建了新的模板, 并撰写了公司6月和7月的通讯.
  • 为新的ADP网站制定指导方针和模板,以更吸引人的方式传达公司新的和现有的可持续发展倡议.
  • 为ADP站点创建了一个调查和报告模板,以确定他们目前符合能源与环境设计领导(LEED)标准, and what criteria they need to fulfill in order to achieve full LEED certification.
  • 创建赠款和其他外部资金来源的数据库,供ADP在追求新的可持续发展倡议时使用.


Meridian Health provides patient-centered health care services delivered in hospital, 社区和家庭环境. The company also advances medicine through clinical education and research.



哈肯萨克子午线健康中心要求其绿色团队改善其可持续发展举措的内部和外部沟通. 具体来说,该团队的工作如下:

  • Wrote a sustainability report highlighting Hackensack Meridian’s current sustainability initiatives.
  • Developed a sustainability e-learning module for employees covering topics such as waste, 能源, 危险化学品和食品.
  • 管理了一项员工调查,并组织了一个焦点小组,以确定Hackensack Meridian员工所重视的可持续性问题, and what can be done to increase awareness of the hospital’s sustainability programs.
  • Created infographics to be displayed around the hospital that highlight Hackensack’s sustainability programs, 并提供有关回收的信息, 水处理和减少能源使用.
  • 开设了一个Instagram账户,并发布了一些示例帖子,以说明如何向患者和其他利益相关者传达可持续性问题.


霍尼韦尔 is a global manufacturer of a variety of commercial and consumer products, and provides engineering services and aerospace systems solutions to customers worldwide.



霍尼韦尔 asked its Green Team to assess its internal sustainability performance, 制定新的策略来减少能源消耗, water and waste; organize its sustainability data; and improve external communications of sustainability issues. 为了实现这些目标,团队产生了以下可交付成果

  • 分析霍尼韦尔废物数据,并计算公司全球每个工厂的月/年废物转移率(WDR).
    • Created a dashboard using excel that allows 霍尼韦尔 to view WDR by site, region and business group. This dashboard also provided information on the company’s overall non-危险废物, 危险废物, 减少垃圾填埋场的废物, 回收废物.
    • Mapped each 霍尼韦尔 site using Arc GIS for better visualization of WDR data by site.
    • 确定霍尼韦尔可以参与的高性能和低性能站点,以提高未来的性能.
  • Wrote a “Best Practice Guidelines” outlining opportunities to improve sustainability performance at 霍尼韦尔.
    • 这些指导方针涉及诸如安装加水站和不使用冲水小便池以及消除聚苯乙烯泡沫杯等主题.
    • 提供了一个excel工具,为公司进行投资回报率(ROI)和成本效益分析(CBA)的特定主题.
  • 完成竞争对手分析,为霍尼韦尔提供相对于同行表现的分析, and what steps that can take to improve its overall sustainability reporting.
  • Developed guidelines for 霍尼韦尔 to improve its sustainability communications on its website.


ECOS成立于1967年, and is a global manufacturer of environmentally friendly cleaning products.



ECOS要求其绿色团队研究利用废水径流的方法,并提高员工对可持续发展的参与度. 为此,ECOS团队制作了以下可交付成果:

  • 研究了三种主要的废水处理方法——活性炭过滤, ECOS可实施的混凝絮凝及挥发性有机物(VOCs)气提法处理废水.
    • By treating wastewater onsite, the team found that they could reduce disposal costs by 50%.
  • 研究ECOS测试公司, 并提供了有关定价的信息, 抽样,测试方法.
  • Developed a number of initiatives for the company to increase employee engagement including:
    • Writing and administering a survey to gauge employee understanding of sustainability.
    • 实施可持续发展启动周,以增加员工对ECOS可持续发展倡议的参与.
    • Updating the company’s bulletin board to facilitate easier communication of sustainability related issues.


Humanscale is a global manufacturer of ergonomic products such as self-adjusting seating, 坐/站式办公桌, 监视武器和任务照明.



Humanscale要求其团队帮助他们研究可持续性倡议,以帮助公司获得国际生活未来研究所的生活产品挑战认证. 为此,Humanscale团队制作了以下可交付成果:

  • 研究ed “carbon handprinting” initiatives for the company to implement, such as donating extra wooden pallets to Habitat for Humanity and other organizations.
  • Created guidelines for Humanscale to implement an 能源 audit at its Piscataway facility.
  • 制作有关废物回收和废物处置的信息图表,以更好地教育办事处员工掌握正确的废物管理技术.
  • 为Humanscale提供了在其设施中实施亚仪表的选择,以更好地跟踪和减少整体能源使用.
  • 研究ed native landscaping options for Humanscale to reduce its overall 水的使用.


Located in Mercer County NJ, Princeton Township has a population of over 28,000. 可持续普林斯顿是普林斯顿环境委员会和新泽西州可持续发展研究所之间的合作伙伴关系, 在与普林斯顿居民协商后.



普林斯顿大学 asked its team to work with the Township of Princeton on its waste management program. 为此,该小组提出了以下可交付成果:

  • 开发解决方案,以减少散装废物和增加堆肥. 具体解决方案包括:
    • 转向按扔多少付费的垃圾处理项目.
    • Implementing a three bin system to better categorize and organize waste for haulers.
    • Creating a sticker system for bulk waste to identify what can be reused and what can be disposed.
  • 向普林斯顿镇提出解决方案,并编写了一份建议和案例研究报告.